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***These pages are works in progress and may not be finished.

Quick Facts

Hierarchy: Nehlling/Zemminn

Capital: Yingnarr

Demonym: Charene (char'-een)

Language: Iidic

Population: 1,000,000,000

Major Holidays: 27

Number of regions: 16

Area (km²): 20,014,248

Major cities: Yingnarr, Sharsai, Arichon, Bamun

Major industries: Banking, vehicles, steel, mining, ceramics, spices

All areas and populations given are approximate, pre-First Election.


Charenn has a history of being the least known and most reclusive of the Provinces. Arguably, this history is proven false given that 87% of its population vacations in other Provinces. Charene food is the most well-known of all the Provincial cuisines, with schools producing the highest percentage of trained chefs on the planet. The Province is the most painted and photographed in the world due to unique geographical and climate characteristics. Charenn's borders have flucuated throughout history, with an imperialist past that was curbed during the Reformation. Because of that, the Province does celebrate the second most number of festivals, behind Y'Tallish.



Charenn's name predates the Reformation, having been named from the tree that sustained the first settlers. Unique to the region, the charenn-qui stands between 15-18m (49-59ft) tall, with ornamental bark and a bright pink round stone fruit that tastes somewhere between a cherry and a persimmon. 

Ornamental bark of the charren-qui tree.


Coming soon


Global map of Vaerith with the Charenn province highlighted. The Charenn province is located on the south-western side of the continent in the Eastern Hemisphere


Charenn flag - red x-y axis cross divides it into four panels. Top left and bottom right panels are white, top right and bottom left panels are bright yellow. A black sylized sun is in the center.

CharennCOA (2)_edited.png

Charenn crest - Pale yellow shield with concave top and sides. White diagonal ray that starts in top left and broadens across the shield to bottom right. Two red stylized shells are in the top right and bottom left.

Geography and Climate

Charenn's northern grasslands occupy nearly half of its total area. The northern desert is an extension of Gmundkevakk's vast Cauter Desert. The two provinces also share the massive, 4071km (2529mi) Shunov River. The southern half of the province is forested with both deciduous and tropical trees, populated extensively with the native charenn-qui tree.


The southeastern-most coastal area shares tropical characteristics with neighboring Y'Tallish. Heavily hilled, the eastern mountains provide a natural barrier to invasion. Charenn has four lakes, the largest of which is in the east-central part of the province.


Charenn's western islands were once known as highly popular resort spots, despite the region being known for frequent groundquakes. Average temperatures across the province range from 10°C(50°F) to 21°C (70°F).


Population statistics for Charenn


Charenn has a history of being the least known and most reclusive of the Provinces. With very stringent visa requirements, not many outside workers or visitors are allowed in. Those that are, though, bring back pictures and tales of a breathtaking land that is bathed in perpetual sunrise. 


​Silence is valued in the culture, with even road noise kept to a minimum due to innovative construction methods. Music is typically played only during one of the many festivals here, commemorating various important moments in their history.


​School is not mandatory after the age of 18, but all citizens must complete two years exploring career options before deciding on a life course. Any post-secondary education is paid for by various trusts. Students may opt out of school at 14 if they wish to go directly into the work force.

Social Infrastructure​   

Social services and healthcare is universally available to all citizens and those with visas. Citizenship is gained through birth only. Non-birth residents may become naturalized after 10 years, but do not have full citizen rights and are unable to own or inherit property. All military service is voluntary.


More coherency coming soon. Will talk about banking more, like Switzerland, responsible for trade routes beyond its borders. Banking, vehicles, steel, mining, ceramics, spices

The banking systems here are without parallel. Valued for their secrecy and tight regulations regarding reporting, the Charenn banks store the money of the world. The Province also mints the Geni and has the largest repository of money, metal, and gems.

The Nehlling Family is rumored to have underground vaults in the caves to the west.


More coming soon

A shocking victim of the Neill Purges, all but one of the Nehlling Family was exterminated.


© 1996-2024 by Sidney Reed

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